Résultats pour "Summer Storm HD"

Summer Storm

It's a tale of power and passions when a Russian siren, who wants the finer things in life, sinks her hooks into a judge, a decadent aristocrat and an estate superintendent, with surprising results....

Tempête d'été

Tobi et Achim sont copains depuis des années. L'un barreur, l'autre rameur dans une équipe d'aviron, ils vont disputer la plus grande régate de la région. Lorsque le flirt d'Achim et Sandra devient sérieux, Tobi comprend que ses sentiments pour Achim sont plus que de l'amitié. Arrive alors dans la compétition une équipe de jeunes homosexuels athlétiques qui affichent fièrement leurs tendances. Tobi et ses camarades s.....

Summer Storm Passage

"This film, which dates from 1964, has always satisfied me. I believe the footage was completed before the assassination of Kennedy – an event that changed many things. I had made only silent films until I made THE ELMS, which followed upon this one. SSP is a film whose form I had in mind from the outset. It was to be a visual piece structured in a 'musical' manner. It would have three movements in differing visual 'tempi'. .....

A Storm in Summer

A story of the friendship between an elderly Jewish man and a young African-American boy set during the Vietnam War....

A Storm in Summer

Set in 1969, Abel Shaddick, a crotchety deli owner, has a grudge against virtually everyone in his upstate New York town of Fairview, particularly against his slacker nephew Stanley who lives behind the shop. Without telling his uncle, Stanley agrees to put up a needy city kid for the summer as part of a charity program run by rich debutante Gloria. Abel immediately vetoes the plan, but it is too late. The kid, young Herman Wa.....

Un été d'orages

Tout le monde se retrouve comme chaque annee dans la grande maison familiale en Auvergne. Mais en cet ete 1944, tout semble different. Louis decouvre pour la premiere fois la beaute de sa cousine Laurence. Il en tombe eperdument amoureux. L'arrivee d'un parachutiste anglais, Jack, portant sur lui l'exostisme de la guerre, va totalement seduire Laurence. Louis fou de douleur et de jalousie trahira le parachutiste qui sera abatt.....

Summer Storm

In a dry summer, Oriol moves to the country house where his mother Nuria lives, to take care of her after having a psychotic breakdown. The fear of a possible relapse appears with the arrival of a severe storm, questioning the roles that had been established until then....

Summer Storm

A woman falls in love with her sister's fiancé....

Orage d'été

Un Anglais séduisant qui passe ses vacances en France, fait irruption dans une famille française....

Les averses d'été

As Carolanne prepares to spend an evening with her friends, her ex-boyfriend pays her a visit, bringing her old clothes as an excuse. An argument will follow where a heavy past will surface....


Un violent orage bloque Maria et sa famille sur la route des vacances. Ils se réfugient dans une petite ville, près de la frontière espagnole, où la police recherche un homme qui vient de tuer sa femme et son amant. En pleine nuit, Maria se retrouve par hasard face au meurtrier. Croyant échapper à ses propres démons, elle décide de s'enfuir avec lui....

A Summer Storm: Butoh of Dark Spirit School

Ankoku Butoh is a style of avant-garde dance that established itself in the counter culture experimental arts scene of post WWII Japan. The dance form is thought to have been founded by Tatsumi Hijikata, who both created and performed in butoh pieces from the late 1950’s - through the early 1970’s. In butoh, the style of movement is extremely stylized and deliberate, vacillating between slow and sharp, expressing feelings .....

Storm Over Jamaica

A British schoolteacher moves to Jamaica to teach after a tumultuous divorce and meets an exciting new woman....

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